When cared for properly, gas permeable contact lenses can provide a healthy, comfortable and convenient vision correction option. Whether you are new to contact lenses or have been wearing them for years, the following tips will help you to enjoy the benefits of contact lenses.
For your own safety, Contex, Inc. believes that you must seek the care of a licensed eye care professional before you use contact lenses. In most countries, contact lenses can only be fit by eye care professionals. Only your eye care professional is educated, trained and licensed to examine, and properly fit lenses to your eyes. By seeing your eye care professional, you can be sure that you will receive the best contact lenses for your eyes, as well as instructions on how to properly care for them.
Click here to locate a preferred Contex eye care professional.
Proper follow-up care by your eye care professional is essential to ensure eye health. Your eyes and lenses can change, often without symptoms or warning signs which may put you at risk for developing potentially serious complications, including vision loss. Regular ongoing professional care can help to ensure a lifetime of good vision and eye health. Please consult your eye care professional for a recommended follow-up schedule, which should be every 6-12 months.
Different lenses are made for different wearing schedules. Most Contex lenses are meant to be taken out daily. To protect your eyes from serious complications, it is important that you follow the wearing schedule that your eye care professional recommends.
It is very important to wash your hands each time you insert and remove your lenses. Good hygiene can reduce germs that can cause eye infection. Never insert a lens into an eye that is red, irritated or painful. If this occurs, you should contact your eye care professional immediately.
Click here for more details on how to insert and remove your lenses.
Depending on the type of lens you are wearing, there are many different options for cleaning and disinfecting your lenses. However, if you wear lenses that your eye care professional has recommended that you take out and re-insert into your eye, they should be cleaned, rinsed and dried after each use. Proper care for your lenses can help your lenses stay clean and comfortable. Your eye care professional can help you decide what lens care solutions are best for you.
Click here to learn about Contex’s lens care options.
If you experience any problems with your contact lenses, please remove your lenses and consult your eye care professional right away. Discomfort can be an early sign of a more serious complication, and early treatment can have a significant impact on overcoming problems.
This guide has been designed to provide information on GP lens care and improve GP lens care knowledge for ultimate lens comfort, vision and eye health.
Contact lenses are subject to deposits. If not removed, these deposits can build up on the lens surface which over time may result in the reduction of comfort and vision as well as an increased risk of infection.
Lenses need to be cared for on a regular basis using various types of solutions, which are not only compatible with GP lens materials but also with the eye itself.
Do not use water to rinse contact lenses. Tap water contains chlorine, minerals and metal particles, which can damage both the lenses and the eye. Among other things, water contains organisms, which can lead to serious infections of the eye through microbial contamination. Home made saline, purified or distilled water does not disinfect contact lenses and should not be used for rinsing the lenses.
Daily cleaning is very important and must be done each time your lenses are inserted and removed.
Weekly polishing is important for removal of deposits. There is a difference between daily surface cleaning and deep polishing and protein removal.
Bacteria is responsible for eye infections and therefore daily disinfection is critical.
Note: Clear Clean is not a disinfectant.
After cleansing and disinfecting it is very important that you properly rinse your lenses. Never use tap water! Only use distilled water or saline to rinse your lenses.
Contact lenses must be stored in solution. The lens case itself must be cleaned and replaced regularly. After inserting lenses, rinse out lens case with saline solution, wipe with a clean tissue and leave open to dry.
Lubricating drops are critical for overnight orthokeratology, but for normal lens wear they can provide relief with symptoms of dryness and comfort.
Protein and other surface deposits can:
Change the fit, oxygen permeability, surface and edge
quality of the contact lens
Make the lens fit tighter
Interferes with tear exchange under the lens
Feeling of dryness, burning, itching, feeling of foreign
body, decreased comfort and visual acuity
Decreased wearing time
Medicated eye drops often have preservatives. Lenses should always be removed before inserting drops, unless they are designed for contact lenses. Certain medications can lead to temporary incompatibility of the lenses. Alcohol leads to dry eye.