Contex GP lenses are easier to fit than most other brands of lenses. They require less chair time and provide increased patient satisfaction. Some Contex designs can be as comfortable as a soft lens and some eye care practitioners have switched their soft lens patients to GPs. Why? Because GPs provide:
GP contact lenses provide unmatched visual acuity. GPs are made with firmer materials and designed specifically for each patient's eyes, providing crystal clear, stable vision that soft lenses or glasses can't match.
GPs are oxygen-permeable, are easier to clean, longer lasting, and offer much less of a chance of infection.
GPs maintain a healthy corneal surface and promote long-term contact lens wearing success. Because of the oxygen permeable material that is used GPs resist protein and bacterial buildup and flush trapped particles quickly.
GPs offer a better value. Most patients will spend less than $100 a year on GP lenses, versus up to $600 a year on glasses or $500 a year on soft lenses.
GPs are ideal for patients with astigmatism. Even those who have been told they can't wear contact lenses can be very motivated to try GPs, with great success.
GPs are the best option for patients with keratoconus and many post-surgical corneal and visual conditions.
GPs provide the best contact lens option for presbyopia. The clarity of optics for both distance and near vision, make GP Multifocals the obvious choice.