As adolescents eyes develop they can begin to experience visual conditions that may lead to difficulty in reading and school work. Identifying these problems quickly is very important. As your child enters their adolescent years their eyes can change. There are various eye conditions that may develop and various ways to treat them.
The most common visual condition that teens develop is myopia, otherwise known as nearsightedness. And, with today’s use of computers, video games and television on the rise teens are becoming more nearsighted than ever before. Since teens are not candidates for Lasik surgery gas permeable contact lenses are a great option to correct and even improve their vision. Studies are underway to see if gas permeable lenses can actually slow the progression of myopia. Glasses and soft contact lenses correct vision, but don’t improve it. Each year many teens become more nearsighted and will need stronger and stronger contact lenses or glasses. Most teens are active and therefore have difficulty with the responsibility of glasses and contacts so overnight contacts are a great option.
Contex has lenses that are designed to correct and even temporarily reduce the myopia that your teen develops. The Contex AirCurve lens can correct your teen’s vision while they are worn, but the Contex OK Lens can improve their vision while they sleep, and in many cases they can see clearly all day without glasses or contact lenses.
Usually caused by an oblong or oval shaped cornea, Astigmatism is a very common vision problem, but most people don't know what it is. A normal cornea is round like a basketball, while a cornea with astigmatism is oval like a football. Most types of astigmatism can be corrected with contact lenses. Children and teens however, may be unaware of the condition, as they are not likely to complain about their vision. Unfortunately, astigmatism may affect their ability to see well in school and during sports activities, so it's important to correct their vision as soon as possible. The Contex AirCurve or AirCurve Toric lens can correct your teen’s vision while they are worn, but the Contex OK Lens can improve their vision and reduce astigmatism while they sleep, so they can see all day without glasses or contact lenses.
Farsightedness, or Hyperopia, is a vision condition that can give teens difficulty seeing objects that are close up. Farsightedness is usually hereditary and appears in childhood. This condition is often discovered when children first start school. These patients have problems doing things such as reading books, but have no problems with far away objects such as the school blackboard. Unlike nearsighted people who only have trouble seeing far away, farsighted people have blurry vision at all distances. As your teen develops, farsightedness can get better. The Contex AirCurve lens can correct your teen’s vision while they are worn.
A small percentage of teens may develop a condition known as keratoconus. While most of the population will never be affected by this a small percent will experience a decrease in their vision caused by thinning of the cornea.
The Contex AirCurve™ Lens is a single vision lens design that is comfortable and offers excellent visual acuity that cannot be obtained from soft contact lenses. It corrects Myopia, Hyperopia and moderate amounts of Astigmatism.
The Contex AirCurve™ Toric Lens corrects most amounts of Astigmatism.
The Contex OK Lens is the premier lens design used for Bausch & Lomb Vision Shaping Treatment, a method that can reduce nearsightedness so that glasses or daytime contact lenses are not needed. It’s hard to believe, but the OK Lens improves your vision while you sleep.
Contex aspheric lenses can help to control the progression of keratoconus in teens and young adults. By wearing a Contex Aspheric lens patients can benefit from the stability that these lenses offer.
Teens should have their eyes checked by a eye care professional at least once a year.